After missing a year of air shows due to COVID-19 restrictions, Grant was able to travel to Cessnock in the Hunter Valley and join Ando once again on the commentary stand. This two day event saw heat and humidity on the Saturday and cold rain on the Sunday but the show managed to occur on both days.
Hunter Valley Air Show 2019
Grant joined Ando to perform commentary on both days of the Hunter Valley Air Show 2019 which was held at the Cessnock airport.
Lismore Air Show 2017
The Lismore air show was originally scheduled for earlier in 2017 but, due to extreme weather conditions and flooding, was deferred until Saturday 29th July. Grant travelled to Lismore with the Paul Bennet Air Shows team to provide commentary for the event. It was a spectacular event which drew a good crowd of people (estimated as 4,000 to 6,000) under clear blue skies and light winds.
Wings Over Illawarra 2017
Yet another fantastic experience and we’re looking forward to next year’s event which is scheduled for the 5th & 6th of May, 2018.
Wings Over Macleay in Kempsey
Grant provided solo commentary services at the Wings Over Macleay air show in Kempsey, NSW, working with the team at Paul Bennet Air Shows to keep the crowd entertained for the two day show on October 1st & 2nd.
Commentary and Filming at Wings Over Illawarra 2016
Steve & Grant joined Ando at the Wings Over Illawarra air show in May 2016 to provide two days of commentary. Meanwhile, Steven Pam and Mark Franjic were busy capturing hours of video for the WOI 2016 DVD that we’ll be producing.
Solo Commentary at the Armidale Air Show
Grant provided solo commentary at the Armidale Air Show, working with the Paul Bennet Air Shows team in November. Despite a looming storm, the show went on with the crowd enjoying every act.
Airshow Commentary & Interviews at AusFly 2015
Once again this year the team were working with the Paul Bennet Air Shows team who arranged the air display along with The Russian Roolettes, Jim & Jenny Wickham and the RAAF Roulettes.
Southern Skies Media has provided air display commentary, PA system and airshow “radio” audio & interviews for every AusFly since the inaugural event in 2011 and are looking forward to returning once again in 2016.
If you’d like to enquire about having Steve & Grant provide commentary for your event, please call Grant on 0422 914 949.

Providing Commentary at the Hunter Valley Air Show
If you’d like to enquire about having Steve & Grant provide commentary for your event, please call Grant on 0422 914 949.